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Nitz Blitz Madness
Will you do March Madness with us?
You're invited to join our family for a March Madness Bracket Challenge! If you're a 2 year old who doesn't know what basketball is (Opal), a sports-betting-professional (Stephen), or anywhere in between, you're invited to join us!
This is how you officially enter the Nitz Blitz Madness group! Submit one bracket for every member of your family. (Each account can submit 6 unique brackets).This website will keep track of everyone's points! MAKE SURE YOU ENTER YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME AS YOUR USERNAME OR BRACKET NAME. We want to know who is playing!
I printed out a paper so my kids could visually see what they were picking. Once they picked all their teams I made an online version of their bracket!
Winner of the bracket gets Chick-fil-a!

Plus many other exciting opportunities for all players! Including a group text, smack talk from Hannah, basketball poems from Caleb, entertainment all month long, family camaraderie, a reason to care about basketball, and maybe even a watch party?
Make sure to enter your first and last name as your username. We want to know who is playing!
Each account can submit 6 unique brackets so every family member can have one.